SQL Server Data Type for Money : cybexhosting.net

Hi there! If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re interested in learning about the SQL Server Data Type for Money. Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about this data type, including what it is, how it works, and why it’s important. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What is the SQL Server Data Type for Money?

The SQL Server Data Type for Money is a type of data that is used in the SQL Server Database Management System to store numeric values representing monetary data. This data type is specifically designed to handle values that represent currency or other monetary units. This means that it is able to store both positive and negative values, with up to four decimal places of precision.

In SQL Server, the Money Data Type is represented by the keyword “money”. When you create a table in SQL Server, you can assign the Money Data Type to a specific column, allowing you to store monetary values in that column.

How does the SQL Server Data Type for Money work?

When you store monetary values in a table in SQL Server using the Money Data Type, the values are stored as an integer, with the last four digits representing the decimal portion of the value. For example, if you store the value of $10.50 in a column with the Money Data Type, the value will be stored as 105000.

When you retrieve the value from the table, SQL Server automatically converts the integer value back into a decimal value with the appropriate number of decimal places. This means that if you retrieve the value of 105000 from the table, it will be automatically converted back into $10.50.

It’s important to note that when you perform calculations using the Money Data Type in SQL Server, the math is always performed with four decimal places of precision, even if the values in the table only have two decimal places.

Why is the SQL Server Data Type for Money important?

The SQL Server Data Type for Money is important because it allows you to store and manipulate monetary values in an efficient and accurate manner. By using the Money Data Type, you can ensure that your calculations are always performed with the appropriate level of precision, regardless of the number of decimal places in the values being used.

Additionally, the Money Data Type is essential for any application that deals with financial data. By using the Money Data Type, you can ensure that your application is able to handle monetary values in a way that is consistent with industry standards and regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is the maximum value that can be stored using the Money Data Type? The maximum value that can be stored using the Money Data Type is $922,337,203,685,477.5807
What is the minimum value that can be stored using the Money Data Type? The minimum value that can be stored using the Money Data Type is -$922,337,203,685,477.5808
Can the Money Data Type be used for currencies other than USD? Yes, the Money Data Type can be used for any currency that uses a decimal-based monetary system.
Can the Money Data Type be used in calculations with other data types? Yes, the Money Data Type can be used in calculations with other numeric data types, such as the Integer or Decimal Data Types.
Are there any limitations to using the Money Data Type? The main limitation of using the Money Data Type is that it can be slower to perform calculations with than other numeric data types, such as the Integer Data Type. However, this is generally only a concern in situations where large amounts of monetary data are being processed.


In conclusion, the SQL Server Data Type for Money is an essential tool for anyone dealing with monetary data in an SQL Server Database. By using this data type, you can ensure that your calculations are accurate and consistent, regardless of the number of decimal places in the values being used. If you’re interested in learning more about this data type, be sure to check out the official SQL Server documentation for more in-depth information.

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